Keeping this brief because it's pretty emotional.
We are closed for the season.
Due to a foolish oversight on my part, our last open weekend was last weekend.
If you had a booking for the upcoming weekend (8-10 September) you will be refunded (likely it's been processed by the time you are reading this)
I apologize for failing to read the fine print in this regard
So we are closing a week earlier than expected.
Thank you all for joining us on the water, if it was for a class, a rental, or a guided tour I am happy to have spent that time with you. Even if it was just a casual conversation outside the bus, I'm happy to have spent that time with you. The end of summer is the hardest part of this thing we do called Big Bus Paddlesports, so maybe we need to figure out how to keep the party going all year long...just maybe.
Additionally, for everyone who knew and loved him, my co-pilot, the world's worst roommate, my best friend Rusty (the Goldendoodle in the bucket) has crossed the rainbow bridge. Sarah, Bart the Beagle, and I are devasted. Rusty was the Best Dog, period. I should probably have a bunch of pictures of him here, but I can't bring myself to look at them yet.
We will miss every part of his presence on the bus and in our lives.
Hug your friends
Tell them you love them
We'll see you on the water next summer
xx Doug, Sarah, Violet, and Bart